Arcachon was a needed break from the bustiling city of Paris. Although very humble, it did not lack delicious food (c'mon its FRANCE!). We met an Irish elderly couple at one of the boardwalk restaurants (the man had a stiking resemblance to my grandfather which was strange and fitting as he loved Ireland), and ran into them again at dinner time, taking their strict advice: "only go to a place where there a lots o' people!" It was the best decision ever and we managed to stuff ourselves with what I can only classify as "the meal of a lifetime." Really, nothing beats French desserts. After we rolled ourselves out of the restaurant, we stumbled upon a very strange casino, oddly located in town. I gambled for the first time, putting in five euros I spent two, and with no luck, gave the other three to my friends. Ofcourse Jenna won 20 euros off my one! Nicely, she gave me back five, so I'm glad to say that my first time gambling, I broke even! :) Arcachon was originally supposed to be the destination for the perfect beach vacation with the purpose to be bronzed and tanned, however Mother Nature was not on our side...
A damned beach vacation... (we tried to make it seem miserable as possible)
since there was no sun, we made sure to entertain ourselves, taking corny pictures, but we thought this red bench was especially cute
"the band picture" (don't you just love cameras with timers? that way, you avoid asking strangers to take embarrassing pictures)
... and we had a ninja photoshoot...
exploring my zoom feature
father and daughter sand castle building
The largest sand dune in all of Europe truly has something to boast about as the view was absolutely breath taking and well worth the steep climb. From the top, both a forest and ocean could be seen, the best of both worlds! I guess Mother Nature didn't want to dissapoint us! These pictures in no way can represent this place's true beauty, but I hope that you get the gist!
it's hard to tell, but this is my friend Allie and I sitting on top of the dune, looking out onto a forest that seemed to stretch for miles
the immediate and highly rewarding view just after the steep climb
treking along the dunes, what a handy walking stick!
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