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Toledo was well worth its mere hour long bus ride costing a whole 5 euros, about what we would pay for a ham sandwich that would undoubtedly make us queasy within 2 seconds after force-feeding ourselves. As we made our way around the small town, we noticed that natives were scarce and instead tourists populated the streets, entering and exiting stores with little touristy trinkets in hand. After looking around, and veering off from the major streets, we found the perfect store to pick up some gifts, and unlike the rest of the tiendas, it was a small artisan shop whose products were made by hand and all one-of-a-kind.
I was anxious to go to Toledo for many reasons. I had been before, but as I was in highschool, I wasn't so enthused about the city's history, so this time I was excited to put my knowledge to use! The cathedrals boasted beautiful architecture of all types, and one especially had the most incredible view from its tower, a sight that was well worth its lengthy climb up narrow step-ladders. Elyssa and I made it a point to visit one of the old synagogues, expecting a spiritual experience, but instead felt a total lack of holy presence. During the Inquisicion, the temple had been converted into a cathedral, and although the building itself was not nearly adorned as most cathedrals should be according to their time period, and appeared to be a temple from the outside, the golden Jesus figure on its main mantel clearly defined its newer identity. Visiting this place of worship turned out to be the least holy experience I have ever had as it was a true illustration of the injustice commited against the Jewish people. Oddly enough, I felt a stronger holy presence in the cathedrals as their high ceilings both emphasized and exaggerated the vast difference that exists between a human and his G-d.
The ancient city of Toledo is a true representation of the diversity that once existed in Spain. Although the country is now predominantly Catholic, Toledo marks a rare time of diversity as Christians, Muslims, and Jews, once peacefully coexisted within the tiny fortress' walls.
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